Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Blessed Saint Mary - ENG SUB
The Blessed Saint Mary (Maryam al-Muqaddasa) is a sensational film of the life of Saint Mary, the Virgin mother of Jesus, based on classical Islamic texts.
The film begins with the birth of Mary and ends with the birth of Jesus, skilfully recreating the major events which Mary went through as well as that of Prophet Zachariah, Mary's guardian and a righteous Prophet of God.
This two hour presentation is a glorious illustration and depiction of the lofty station held by Mary in Islam, as well as the great stature of Prophet Zacharias.
Shakuka: Vizită la moscheea shiită (Ahlul Beit)
Shakuka: Vizită la moscheea shiită (Ahlul Beit): Puțină lume știe, dar zona Grozăvești-Crângași este unică în București datorită concentrației mari de moschei. De data asta am vizitat mos...
Monday, October 22, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The Fountainhead [full movie]
MDB: "An uncompromising, visionary architect struggles to maintain his integrity and individualism despite personal, professional and economic pressures to conform to popular standards. "
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
* Ancient Magical Recipes Online * Nature through Spells and Herbal Magic * Ancient and New Ideas: Feng Shui Remedies for more and better SEX
* Ancient Magical Recipes Online * Nature through Spells and Herbal Magic * Ancient and New Ideas: Feng Shui Remedies for more and better SEX: More, better and always safe sex (always wear condoms!) There are many magical ways to fire up your sex life and increase your libido ...
Daniel Roxin: Uimitor! Un maestru chinez vindecă nanismul. Pacie...
Daniel Roxin: Uimitor! Un maestru chinez vindecă nanismul. Pacie...: Maestrul Chiheng a fost născut în 1938 într-o familie de medici chinezi. El a arătat interes pentru medicina tradiţională chinezească î...